Well, here are some pictures of Sharon and I and things we did when we were not golfing, watching dolphins, hanging out with our Maine Friends, watching sunrises/sunsets or visiting friends...

When I arrived in Myrtle Beach I supported a little more facial hair as you'll see from the pictures. Sharon was not a big fan of it so it did not take long before I shaved it off. I figured I do not have to look at it every day...just when I brush my teeth and wash up...she has to look at me a lot more...so it made sense. That is my logic...from a male perspective..always easier to please her with something as simple as shaving...it is a no-brainer!

During our time there, we joined the local library and began reading to relax. It was enjoyable.

Sharon would love to sit on the sofa and look out over the water. Here she is having her morning coffee, checking emails and LINE messages and always on her dolphin watch!

It would not always be warm when I went for my walk. As you can see here, I have my light winter jacket and hat with gloves-but I am in running shoes ;)

A series of photos of Sharon opening the gate. There is a story behind these pictures-but being the kind husband that I am, I will refrain from "story-telling". BUT, if I were to ask you to open the gate, what would you try and open?

Sharon going for her walk

Sometimes you never knew how to get dressed.

With the sun rays on the beach-how could you not like the walk?

The early morning this vehicle would make a few passes and break up the shells that would harm your feet.

Sharon could probably tell you the story behind the dog and maybe the owner. Her walks were always a little long as she stopped to pet all the animals that would allow her.

It is no fun when you come back from your walk realizing that you are now over-dressed

But, you made it!!!!

My attempt to capture the shore during the sunset.

Our morning tradition

So, you think it is always warm? Think again~

Looking at some condo buildings people think that they have a better view and closer to the water if they are on the first few floors. This is a picture of one of the condo buildings during my walk. Just to show you what they must see from their condos. Be aware of what you rent!

This is a view on Main Street from the beach

During my walks, I would look at the bluish greet top and our condo would be 4 buildings past that. Also, the people walking their dog (red and blue jackets) are there every morning. You can walk your dog on the beach during the winter months.

Sharon is the one who told me that I should look at the Seagulls to determine which way the wind is blowing. The birds always face into the wind. I use that as a monitor because I walk into the wind to start my morning walks.

Our condo is on the left of this picture. The condo on the right has some nice balcony's. During the winter months you'd want one facing north (which is where I am taking the picture from). North gives you a better view of the morning sunrise.

As I arrive back, Sharon is waiting to take a picture of me as I take a picture of her ;)

Sharon loves entertaining and here we are getting ready for a visit from friends

Checking her LINE accounts. This was great because it kept her in contact with our kids and allowed us to enjoy the holiday

At Publix grocery store they provide umbrella bags (when your umbrella is wet) and cart wipes...who knows what was on the other person's hands when they pushed their cart. What a great idea!

Milli caught a picture of me coming back from my walk

Me going out for a walk. Tell me that this doesn't speak to you and give you calm

I threw this picture in here because Sharon loves it and said she could see her kids and grandkids enjoying it

I'd like to say Hey this was me"...but alas...it was someone in front of our condo and it looked fun.

It was not always great weather.

The waves were really nothing big but there were always some surfers looking for the 5 sec thrill....

Yes, she always fed the birds. In fact she is wondering who will feed them now that she is gone. Would you believe that when we went grocery shopping, she would buy inexpensive loafs of bread to do just that? I wasn't going to argue!

Companies will always find a way to advertise. This is how they do it in Myrtle Beach.

This looks like fun. I am sure I know some people who would enjoy doing this?

A famous church in North Myrtle Beach. This is Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church. I found it very picturesque and when I went inside it was awesome.

She fed the birds before we left and even gave some to the people watching her so they could share in the event. I wonder if she was doing this to train them, her apprentices.


